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Ludovic Martin-Gondre

Besançon's contact

Jean-Marc Simon

Dijon's contact

Christophe Labbez

Dijon's member

Vincent Balleneger

Besançon's member

Claire Petuya

Bordeaux's member

Arnaud Desmedt

Project's coordinator

Bordeaux's contact

The labs' consortium



  • ISM (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires UMR5255 CNRS - Université de Bordeaux) - Molecular spectroscopy group (GSM). The scientific activity of the GSM is based on thematic linked to various physical chemistry domains ranging from organic nanoporous materials to inorganic glassy materials. The instrument resources can be considered as unique in Europe (FTIR, IR-microscopy, confocal Hyper-Raman and Raman microspectrometers with specific applications such as high-resolution imaging, high pressure-low temperature environments). Furthermore, the team has a recognized experience in neutron spectroscopy, in studying dynamics in clathrate hydrates (and other organic materials of interest for inclusion chemistry) and in combined spectroscopy/numerical modeling (MD) approaches. Over the last years, several projects (granted by the CNRS, European partners, Univ. of Bordeaux and ANR “HyDfect” 2011-2014) have been funded for research on selectivity, transport (molecular and ionic) and dynamics properties in clathrate hydrates.

  • UTINAM (Univers, Transport, Interfaces, Nanostructures, Atmosphère et environnement, Molécules, CNRS UMR6213, Université de Franche-Comté) - Spectroscopy Planetology Atmospheres Clathrates Environment (SPACE). The team of UTINAM researchers is interdisciplinary and has internationally recognized experiences in molecular scale approaches applied to environmental physics and in classical and ab initio molecular dynamics methods. Recently, collaborations with O. Mousis (former researcher of this team; presently in LAM-Marseille) on the icy systems in the Solar System have led to a significant number of publications dedicated to the study of clathrate hydrates in astrophysical environments. The team were involved in an international program for scientific cooperation (granted by the CNRS) with Karoly College of Eger (Hungary) dedicated to the simulations of clathrates by Monte Carlo methods.

  • ICB (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, CNRS UMR6303, Université de Bourgogne) - Adsorption on Porous Solids and Physical Chemistry of Colloidal Systems and Cement. The aim of the team is mainly to perform simulation at molecular and meso-scales of clathrates in interaction with silica solids. The team has a long experience in molecular simulation for molecular dynamics, Monte-Carlo and DFT and to statistical analysis of fluid/solids equilibrium and non-equilibrium states. A few years ago, the team developed in collaboration with Lund University (Sweden) codes to perform mesoscopic simulation approach of cement structures. On the other hand, the team includes specialists of multi scale modeling of nano materials mechanics and on adsorption in porous structures (zeolites, graphite, …).

  • PhLAM (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers Atomes et Molécules, CNRS UMR8523, Université de Lille 1). The PhLAM laboratory of Univ. Lille1 is engaged in a variety of research projects that are dealing with many aspects of physics of lasers and applications including physico-chemistry of the atmosphere and of the interstellar medium. It is recognized as a reference in optics in interdisciplinary areas and is supported by a number of regional, national and international programs and has also initiated technological transfer to industry leading to the emergence of start-ups. As a part of the thematic spectroscopy, our group is involved into the PIA (Program Investissements d'Avenir) within the Labex (Laboratoire d'excellence) CaPPA where projects on heterogeneous chemistry of environmental interests are developed. Our group has also been supported by different programs (PNCA, ECONET, ARCUS, PHC, ANR, DGAC etc). Our group is specialized on the study of multi-phase processes at the gas ice interface with a particular emphasis on trace analysis, structural and thermodynamic characterization of hydrate phases using Raman scattering, FT-IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, Laser desorption, and X-ray diffraction.

Claire Pirim

Lille's member

Bertrand Chazallon

Lille's contact

The MI2C project involve 4 partners with complementary skills (experiments/theory) and expertises (clathrate hydrates / mesoporous media / glasses + physic-chemistry / astrophysics / geophysics) 

Morgane Lemaire

Lille's member

Marco Salazar

Dijon's member

Sylvain Picaud

Besançon's member

Marc Dussauze

Bordeaux's member

Yvain Carpentier

Lille's member

Frédéric Adamietz

Bordeaux's member

Cristian  Focsa

Lille's member

Jean-Luc Bruneel

Bordeaux's member

David Talaga

Bordeaux's member

Cyrielle Métais

Besançon's member

Antoine Patt 

Dijon's member

Michael Ziskind

Lille's member

@MI2C 2015-2019
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