Join the project: PhD positions
News and offers
March 21, 2016. Consortium meeting. ICB, Dijon.
February 2, 2016. Kick-off meeting of all accepted ANR projects in 2015. ANR building, Paris.
December 11, 2015. MI2C kick-off meeting. ISM, Bordeaux.
October 1, 2015. The MI2C project has officially started!
Three PhD positions have been opened and are now completed:
Combined theoretical/experimental investigations (18 months at Bordeaux and 18 months at Besançon). The candidate will receive a multi-disciplinary training covering clathrate physical-chemistry, ab-initio numerical simulations and neutron/Raman scattering. He/She will participate in investigating the microscopic mechanisms involved in gas trapping within clathrate hydrates in contact with silica media. A combined theory/experiments methodology will be used to access information such as vibrational density of state, Brownian dynamics and binding energies of encapsulated gas. The candidate should have a formation in solid-state physical-chemistry as well as in computing science for experimental and numerical data analysis.
Contact: A. Desmedt and L. Martin-Gondre.
Experimental investigations (27 months at Lille and 9 months at Bordeaux). The candidate will receive a high-level experimental training in the field of vibrational spectroscopy and imaging applied to clathrate hydrate science relevant for geo- and astrophysics. He/She will be involved in elaborating original silica-based surrogates and investigating gas selectivity, stability and formation of mixed clathrate hydrates in contact with “geo-like” and “astro-like” surrogates. The candidate should have a formation in solid-state physical-chemistry, spectroscopy and a clear motivation for experimental work.
Contact: B. Chazallon and A. Desmedt.
* Job completed.
Theoretical investigations (27 months at Dijon and 9 months Besançon) The PhD student will have an excellent background in theoretical physical–chemistry. In particular he/she should have a training in molecular simulation and thermodynamics modelling. He/she will receive a complementary formation in writing simulation codes, in multi-scale modelling and in thermodynamics models. He/She will study single- and multiple-guest hydrates as well as clathrates in contact with impurities using classical simulation (MC and MD) at an atomic and at a mesoscopic scale. The computed data will be used to improve the VdP models for the considered (P,T) ranges.
Contact: J.M. Simon and S. Picaud.
* Job completed.